Sunday, July 24, 2011

Whole Chicken with Carrots & Potatoes

I have never attempted to cook a whole chicken, so tonight, I figured I would go out on a limb and see if I could do it. Well guess what, I did! It was a very light and wonderful meal that the entire family can enjoy and not feel bad about eating.
1 whole chicken
1 bag Green Giant Fresh Klondike
Gourmet Petite Potatoes
1 medium onion
1 lemon
1 small bag baby carrots
1 box chicken broth
salt and pepper
olive oil

Start by lining a skillet with olive oil at medium heat. Brown the breast side of the chicken. Line a large casserole dish with aluminum foil and place chicken in the center. Cut lemon into two pieces and squeeze juice over chicken and place the lemon pieces inside the chicken. Next cut the onion into four pieces and stuff two inside the chicken and two outside the chicken. Poor in the chicken broth and arrange carrots and potatoes to fit perfectly. Sprinkle with desired amount of salt and pepper and place in oven for approximately two hours at 325 degrees.

I really enjoyed making this dish, and I hope that you will too. :) Having this blog and being able to share my recipes with everyone has become like a job to me. In my eyes I see it as me cooking for everyone who reads the blog and I look forward to doing it everyday.I just want to say thanks for following me! :):) 

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